14 May 2016

Plants James Bond

It has been officially named a new subgenre of plants as Jamesbondia, remarkable in memory of James Bond, whose name matches the Ian Fleming used for his famous spy series. Fleming was also a passionate birdwatcher and admired the work of Bond, which helped it chose an equal name for his famous character. 

The four species of plants Jamesbondia are mainly in Central America and the Caribbean islands. The team Ivonne Sánchez del Pino, the Center for Scientific Research of Yucatan in Mexico, and Duilio Iamonico, University of Rome La Sapienza in Italy, expanded research J.M. Mears, who identified a group of Caribbean plant species as "Jamesbondia" between 1980 and 1982, unpublished notes on specimens of Alternanthera. Molecular phylogenetic analyzes and observations of the morphology of the flowers justify the separate official name of this group. Ornithologist James Bond (1900-1989) focused its research on birds of the same Caribbean areas that are the main home of the four species of the subgenus alleged Jamesbondia.
by: Ali