17 May 2016

The Mysterious Galaxy UGC 477

The Hubble space telescope of the NASA and ESA has been observing the Galaxy UGC 477, situated to little more than 110 million light-years away, in the constellation of PISCES (the fish). UGC 477 is a Galaxy's low surface brightness (LSB, by the initials of its kind in English).

The existence of the LSB galaxies was first proposed in 1976 by Mike Disney, and confirmed in 1986, with the discovery of Malin 1. Star Wars of this kind, such as UGC 477, are more diffuse than those such as Andromeda and the milky way distributed. With up to 250 times lower than the night sky shine, LSB galaxies can be incredibly difficult to detect. 

Most of the matter in the LSB galaxies is in the form of free hydrogen gas, instead of in the form of stars. Unlike normal spiral galaxies bulbs, centers 

of LSB galaxies do not contain large amounts of star. Astronomers suspect that this is due to that the LSB are mostly in poor regions in other galaxies, and that they have therefore experienced a smaller number of mergers, to trigger high rates of star formation.
by: Ali